*We have successfully started Genius Hour. I am following the same model of Thursdays for Genius Hour and Fridays will be Kidblog reflection/updates.
*Students have really LOVED Tony Vincent's "Info Pics" to summarize a lesson. Pic Collage is the FAVORITE app to complete these assignments.
*Green Screens by DoInk. This one is a paid app, but I just purchased it under my personal ITunes account and students simply air drop the items needed to complete their projects. I always start the year doing fun 6 trait writing activities so students truly understand what we as teachers are looking for in those traits as it pertains to writing. I read the story I am the Dog/I am the Cat and students pair up writing from two opposing perspectives. They playfully banter back and forth, learning the fun and excitement of the trait VOICE. SEE SOME OF OUR "VOICE" VIDEOS HERE
*Many students have really attached themselves to coding....Hopscotch, Tinker, and Scratch seem to be the most popular.
*Khan and Front Row-I have made both available to students this year as some students in the past have been intimidated by Khan. I have a TOP 5 leader board for each of the programs showing who has the most energy points thus far [Khan] and who has collected the most coins [Front Row]. Both give great end of the week reports via email showing me the students' progress.
Upcoming goal: learn the ins and outs and start implementing/working with NEARPOD. I remember the wonderful qualities of this app, just need to polish and refreshen the skills involved to create and do it.
What is a great app or project idea YOUR students are doing and LOVING right now/in the past?