Wednesday, February 19, 2014

BPS Professional Day, Flipped Lessons[update], and Mystery Hangouts!

Greetings all from the wonderful world of IPADS!

Last week, BPS teachers attended optional training sessions at Bellevue West. I signed up for three tech classes: Google Forms/Creating a Paperless Classroom, Project Based Learning, and Google Hangouts. Ann and Brent were WONDERFUL as always...and their classes were too. Google Forms reminded me of all the wonderful tools our GMAILs have to offer. Ann went through the work flow for students with devices, and she also went through gClass folders [amazing things by the way] and of course the IMPORTANT step that students need to add these folders to their own drive once the teacher has shared them. [ooops...blonde moment...I forgot to do this the first time around so I wasn't sure why they weren't working] Project Based Learning was an awesome reminder about how we should be altering the curriculum as we move forward with technology and just into the future in general. If we want students to learn MORE and remember MORE, then we have to do DO more from the teaching side of it...and the assignment side. If all we expect them to do is regurgitate the information back on a worksheet, why on earth would they remember the information beyond the testing date? I hope our future curricula allows for project-based learning! Last, but not least, Google Hangouts with Cat. This was great for me to see all the different tools Google Hangouts have to offer, especially when comparing it to Skype. Hearing the different ways we can be using these in our classrooms was also very beneficial. I have been VERY curious and interested in these "Mystery Hangouts" where you connect with a classroom around the world and guess their city and state/location by way of questioning. I posted something about this in the "Connected Classrooms" Community on G+, and have had TONS of responses. I hope to connect with a classroom in Sweden, Washington DC, Seattle, Iowa, NYC, and Egypt--so far! I will keep you updated on how those go!

FLIPPED LESSONS IN MATH UPDATE-we have now done our 3rd flipped math lesson. Today when I told them that was what we were going to do, I heard several students whisper "YES!" with excitement. I am pulling the 5-6 students I know need that extra attention and/or ones that do not enjoy the flipped videos. It seems to be going GREAT thus far!

I can't wait for my students to get involved with these Mystery Hangouts. Coach Cat is coming tomorrow to prep my kids on how Google Hangouts work, what we we will be using them for, what jobs/responsibilities they will have, etc. Thanks again Cat for all of your help! 

IPAD academy was amazing as well. Great ideas from Jennifer Manning and Sharae Geldes....I collabed with them for a while about student-led conferences this Spring with the IPADS. They helped me create a list of "stations" for students to walk their parents through/show apps/etc....and yes, I'm actually VERY EXCITED to see how conferences go in March! I am still touching up the list and working out some details...and the kids will have to put in some prep work as well-which I think is the best part because after all, it is all about them! 

Thanks again to all the wonderful people sharing wonderful ideas.....I just need to try to keep up with all of you! :)


  1. Great reflection Emily! I am excited to come show you and the kids some Mystery Hangout information and get you guys Hanging out with the world soon!

  2. Love this! I want my students to use their iPads for conferences too. I am interested in the "stations" you will be using for conferences.

  3. Love your post, Emily! Thanks for sharing! Glad the in-service day sessions were so helpful as well as the collab time on Tuesday! It is awesome you took the time to soak up and generate ideas for conferences. I am so glad you are flipping math lessons and pulling the small groups too. I am very interested in how this progresses this semester. Keep up the great work!
