Friday, January 24, 2014

The day after.....ipad delivery!

Yesterday Mrs. K brought our ipads and got us all hookednup. We went through some basics and got students familiar with using these awesome devices.

Today we went through some of the apps more specifically. A big focus was explain everything. I gave them a couple tidbits of info and sent them on their way. They had to create something in this app with these four things: a picture, voice, typing, and writing. I gave them no other instructions. It was awesome! The students were totqlly focused and were so helpful when a fellow peer needed help. Towards the end of the day we watched a clip about MLK Jr and posted comments about our big dream for the world on

Next week...implementing ipads in math class...getting kids using kidblog on a regular basis...more app exploration time...and getting kids set up on khan academy.

Thanks to Jenny K for the help....Sarah Armstrong for the continued support...and to those that comment or post ideas for others. We appreciate it all



  1. How exciting for you and your class. It's amazing how quickly the students understand how to use the apps, and what they don't know, a friend will surely show them how. Love to see the excitement on their faces when they are making these great discoveries.

  2. Great job Emily! Love how you let go some and just let them explore with minimal directions, sometimes those are the best lessons, particularly for the kids! Keep up the great work! I look forward to reading up on some more blog posts from you.

  3. Hey! You are going to LOVE teaching with the iPad!! I have found that the kids are so quick to learn and many times they find something that they discover to share with me! Seriously, when we were learning Notability, the kids had it down in no time at all and I was the one trying to remember where things were located. I MUST be getting old! I look forward to seeing all the great things that I know you are going to implement with your kids! HAVE FUN!!
